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St Patrick's Primary School

Together Everyone Achieves More. Journey to Learning

Week 23 ey for the ee sound

Learning Intention

To learn that most words with an /ee/ sound take the <ee> or <ea> spellings, but at the end of a word it is often spelt <ey>.

Revise how to use adjectives and adverbs to expand a sentence.


Revise some previous spelling patterns and tricky words.


Main learning

Let’s look at words with an /ee/ sound

see, tee, eel, feel, tree.       Can you think of some more?


Now let’s look at these words

read, lead, pea, sea,           Can you think of some more?


Most words with the /ee/ sound take the <ee> or <ea> spellings, but at the end of a word it is often spelt <ey>.


We have to learn these words.

eg key , honey 


Complete the Spelling/ Phonics page.


Complete Spelling sheet 23- 

Play the game ‘ Match the pictures’


1. Here is some money for the chalk.

2. She rode the donkey this morning.

3. They say the chimney is haunted.
