St Patrick's Primary School
Together Everyone Achieves More. Journey to Learning
Learning Intention
To revise some of the basic sounds, and tricky words.
To revise the <a_e> spelling of the /ai/ sound.
To understand that the <e> is a magic <e>, in words like ape, ale, age
To know that the <e> has no sound but magically makes the first vowel sound long.
Look at these tricky words.
said here there they go no my one by
Main Learning
Look and say at these words
sail tail mail
What do they all have in common?
They have the /ai/ sound.
There are other ways to spell the /ai/ sound.Can you write some examples?
<ay> and <a_e>
Words with <ay> spelling | Words with <a_e> spelling |
Say pray
| Ape shape Cape
Now make up some sentences with the words you have found.
Look at the word cape. What happens when we cover the (e)?
It becomes ‘cap’, Can you hear the magic at work?
1.Dad made a cake.
2. The gate is open.
3. She was late.