St Patrick's Primary School
Together Everyone Achieves More. Journey to Learning
Learning Intention
To understand the ‘schwa’ as a swallowed or neutral vowel sound often found in unstressed syllables.
To identify the schwa in a list of words.
To know that some -ic words are nouns e.g. picnic, medic, topic, and mosaic.
Identify the schwa in each of the following words.
Blend and sound out the words slowly, saying the schwas in their pure form to help remember the spelling.
par/a/graph meth/od al/bum
cell/ar auth/or wea/ther
Main Learning
What are suffixes?
One or more syllables added at the end of a word to change or add to its meaning.
A suffix can:
Make comparative and superlative adjectives( bigger,biggest)
Make plural nouns (hats), foxes, babies)
Make the simple past (I walked)
Make the present participle (walking)
Look at the word athletic
-ic is a suffix meaning related to and is often found in adjectives.
Can you think of some adjectives that have the suffix -ic
Complete the spelling list activities below, check the meaning of any unfamiliar words, and highlight the -ic spelling.
Notice the schwas such as a in dramatic, and sympathetic,
Revise how the magic from one vowel makes another vowel long as in poetic, heroic and chaotic,
Notice the silent letter h in rhythmic,
Notice the silent letter c in scientific,
Notice the y making the i sound in rhythmic, sympathetic and monosyllabic
Complete Spelling sheet 18, matching words correctly to the picture.
Write the spelling word that completes each sentence.
Cross out the incorrect homophone.
Parse the sentence, identify the subject and choose the correct tense.