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St Patrick's Primary School

Together Everyone Achieves More. Journey to Learning


Lesson 1 Numbers 1-10


Learning intention

To know numbers 1-10 in Arabic

 To count to 10 in Arabic, start with the first five numbers. Repeat the words until you have them memorised .

  • One is wahid (waah-heed) (واحد).
  • Two is itnan (ihth-naan) (اثنان).
  • Three is talata (theh-lah-theh) (ثلاثة).
  • Four is arba'a (ahr-uh-bah-ah) (أربعة).
  • Five is khamsa (khahm-sah) (خمسة). Note that the h has a guttural pronunciation. Imagine exhaling a strong, deep breath from the back of your throat as you say it.

Once you've got the first 5 numbers nailed down, you're ready to tackle the next 5. Practice them the same way you practiced the first 5, then put all 10 together to count to 10 in Arabic.

  • Six is sitta (siht-tah) (ستة).
  • Seven is sab'a (sab-uah) (سبعة).
  • Eight is thamaniya (theh-mah-nee-yuh) (ثمانية).
  • Nine is tis'a (tihs-aah) (تسعة). Speak the last syllable from further back in your throat.
  • Ten is ashra (ahsh-ahr-rah) (عشرة). The r is ever so slightly clipped or rolled.