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St Patrick's Primary School

Together Everyone Achieves More. Journey to Learning

Week 31 , ear ere eer

Learning Intentions

To revise the various spelling patterns for <ie> saying /ee/, <y> saying /i/, and <aw>, <au>, and <al> saying/or/.

To revise the different spellings and meanings of the homophones ‘are’ and ‘our’.

To revise the different spellings and meanings of the homophones ‘there’, ‘their’ and ‘they’re’.

To learn that the /ear/ sound can be spelt using <eer> and <eer>



Lets blend and sound out these words

chief   myth   saw  vault  chalk

our   are   there  their  they’re 


Make a sentence with each word.


Main learning

What is this word?


/ear/ is also a sound that can be found in words like ‘fear’, ‘tear’ ‘spear’

Can you think of some more?


The /ear/ spelling can also make the /air/ sound as in ‘pear’, ‘tear’ and ‘bear’


The /ear/ sound can be spelt in two other ways

1. <eer> as in deer, beer, cheer

2. <eer> as in here, sphere, sincere, 


Copy this table into your Literacy book and complete.







1.The cheering crowd was waiting for the prince and princess`s appearance.

2. “My best earrings have disappeared,” said Ruth.

3. “ Did you hear the dreary speech?” asked Bill.
