St Patrick's Primary School
Together Everyone Achieves More. Journey to Learning
Learning Intention
To understand the ‘schwa’ as a swallowed or neutral vowel sound often found in unstressed syllables.
To identify the schwa in a list of words.
Identify the schwa in each of the following words.
pasta, carrot, fungus, orchard, error, manners
Main Learning
Remember when multisyllabic words end in ‘ool’ this unstressed syllable can be spelt in several ways: le, al, el, and il. This is because the vowel is a schwa.
Remember there is no rule for which one to use the spelling must be learnt.
Write out the following sentences, using the correct punctuation, including speech marks and capital letters.
1. The author wrote a sequel to her novel.
2. ‘I kept a travel journal in Brazil,’ said Rachel.
3. We covered the path with gravel.